Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Addition of a radioactive substance to a consumer product when manufacturing or preparing it and for importing and exporting such a consumer product
typ regulované jednotky
profession and activity
Nuclear items trader. Addition of a radioactive substance to a consumer product when manufacturing or preparing it and for importing and exporting such a consumer product
směrnice EU
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
State Office for Nuclear Safety
Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost
Senovážné náměstí č.9, 110 00 Praha 1
fax: +420 222 220 917
telefon: +420 221 624 759
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
Article 9 para 2 letter g), articles 12 to 16 of act no. 263/2016 Coll., Atomic Act, followed mainly by the decree no. 422/2016 Coll., on radiation protection and security of a radioactive source.
odvolací orgán
Chairwoman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety.
požadované vzdělání
Completed secondary education with the ‘maturitní zkouška’ exam or proof of secondary education completed with an apprenticeship certificate and experience in the field of at least three years.
požadovaná praxe
A minimum of three years on-the-job experience in the field is required in case of secondary education completed with an apprenticeship certificate.
An activity may be performed under the prerequisite that a) the natural person has full legal capacity and good repute and is professionally competent, b) natural persons who are members of a statutory body of a legal person have full legal capacity and good repute and at least one of these persons is professionally competent, c) the legal person and the legal person who is a a member of a statutory body of a legal person have good repute and d) natural persons, who are alternates of a legal person, which is a member of a statutory body of a legal person have full legal capacity and good repute.
zdravotní způsobilost
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
See the item of probity.
finanční způsobilost
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
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