Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Start-up scientific supervisor of research reactor.
The control and supervision of set-up and configuration of the nuclear reactor core, the realisation of physical measurements during the physical and power start-up of the nuclear reactor, and the control and supervision of basic critical experiment - all in research nuclear installation
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
State Office for Nuclear Safety
Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost
Senovážné náměstí č.9, 110 00 Praha 1
fax: +420 222 220 917
telefon: +420 221 624 759
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
Article 31 para 1 of act no. 263/2016 Coll., Atomic Act, followed mainly by article 2 para 2 letter c) and articles 4 to 6, articles 10 to 14 and articles 17 to 19 of the decree no. 409/2016 Coll.
odvolací orgán
Chairwoman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety
požadované vzdělání
The university education acquired in study programmes in the field of electrical engineering, power engineering, physics, chemistry or mechanical engineering, technology and materials.
The following professional training:
1. the theoretical training including information pursuant to Annex 1 of the decree no. 409/2016 Coll.;
2. the traineeship at a nuclear installation lasting 25 training days, where this is not a transfer from another activity especially important from nuclear safety viewpoint;
3. the on-the-job training in the activity especially important from nuclear safety viewpoint lasting 25 training days, where this is not a transfer from another activity especially important from nuclear safety viewpoint; and
4. the on-the-job training in the activity especially important from nuclear safety viewpoint lasting 20 training days, where this is a transfer from another activity especially important from nuclear safety viewpoint.
požadovaná praxe
Performance of activity in the field of related activities for 2 years.
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
zdravotní způsobilost
The health and personal capabilities must be documented in an application form.
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
finanční způsobilost
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.