Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Social service worker is someone who performs: a) direct service care for persons in outpatient or residential social services, b) basic educational non-pedagogical activity, c) nursing services in the home of the person d) under the supervision of a social worker activities in basic social counseling, screening activities, educational and motivational activities, activities in mediating contacts with the social environment, the activities of providing assistance for the implementation of rights and legitimate interests and personal matters.
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Na Poříčním právu 1, 128 01 Praha 2
telefon: +420 221 921 111
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
§ 116 paragraph. 1, 5 and 7 of the Act no. 108/2006 Coll., On sociálncíh services, as amended
odvolací orgán
The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Minister)
požadované vzdělání
Professional competence of workers in social services is: a) basic education or secondary education and completion of an accredited qualification course, b) secondary education with a vocational certificate or secondary education with a graduation exam and completion of an accredited qualification course, c) basic education, secondary education, secondary education vocational certificate upper secondary school or vocational education and completion of an accredited qualification course, d) primary education, secondary education, secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship, secondary school leaving examination or higher professional education and completion of an accredited qualification course.
požadovaná praxe
Practice will be recognized, but not required.
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti