Professional competence to practice the profession of other professional workers is obtained by completing a) an accredited master's degree program 1. with a one-branch study of psychology, if started at the latest in the school year 2007/2008 (psychologist); 2. in special pedagogy with a state final examination of speech therapy and surdopedy (speech therapist), if study in the first year was commenced at the latest in the academic year 2018/2019, 3. in special pedagogy with a state final examination of pediatric ophthalmology or typhlopedy (pediatric ophthalmologist), 4. with a mathematical-physical focus, 5. with a scientific focus, that is, a biological, physical or chemical focus, including veterinary medicine and pharmacy, 6. with an electro-technical focus, or 7. with a social focus (social worker), 8. with a pedagogical focus, b) an accredited bachelor's study program 1. with a mathematical-physical focus, 2. with a focus on natural science, that is, a biological, physical or chemical focus, 3. with an electro-technical focus, or 4. with a social focus (social worker), 5. with a pedagogical focus, c) a higher vocational school 1. with a scientific focus, that is, a biological or chemical focus, 2. with an electro-technical focus, or 3. with a social focus (social worker), d) a secondary vocational school 1. with a biological, physical or chemical focus, 2. with an electro-technical focus, or 3. with a social focus, 4. with a pedagogical focus, or e) an accredited qualification course in the field of occupational therapy after obtaining secondary education, secondary education with an apprenticeship certificate or secondary education with a final exam (work therapist).
an accredited Master’’s study programme run by a university in the field of
a single-subject study of psychology