for the valuation of movable and immovable assets: a) higher education in a study programme and study field focusing on property valuation, or b) higher education and lifelong learning in accordance with Section 60 of Act No 111/1998 on universities and amending other laws (the Universities Act), as amended by Act No 147/2001, consisting of at least four semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or c) higher education or further vocational education or secondary education with a school-leaving examination in the relevant field in which valuations are to be carried out, and lifelong learning in accordance with Section 60 of Act No 111/1998, as amended by Act No 147/2001, consisting of two semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or d) higher education or further vocational education or secondary education with a school-leaving examination in the relevant field in which valuations are to be carried out, and the completion of a post-maturita [school-leaving examination] qualification course consisting of at least two school years focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or e) higher education or further vocational education or secondary education with a school-leaving examination in the relevant field in which valuations are to be carried out, or f) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls;
for valuations of intangible assets, financial assets and business operations: 1) higher education in a study programme and study field focusing on property valuation, or 2) higher education and lifelong learning in accordance with Section 60 of Act No 111/1998, as amended by Act No 147/2001, consisting of at least four semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property, or 3) higher education and lifelong learning in accordance with Section 60 of Act No 111/1998, as amended by Act No 147/2001, consisting of at least two semesters focusing on the valuation of a particular category of property