Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Non-medical healthcare professional who performs activities within the nursing care. Additionally, the general nurse, in cooperation with a physician or dentist, participates in preventive, curative, diagnostic, rehabilitative, palliative, urgent or dispensary care.
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
Ministry of Health
Ministerstvo zdravotnictví
Náměstí Palackého 4/375, 128 01 Praha 2 ,
fax: +420 224972111
telefon: +420 224971111
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
Act No. 96/2004 Coll., Art. 5
požadované vzdělání
Professional qualifications for pursuing the profession of general nurse shall be obtained by completing
a) at least a three-year accredited health bachelor's study for the preparation of nurses,
b) at least a three-year study in the field of certified nurse at higher paramedical colleges,
c) studies in the field graduate general nurse at a higher medical school in the length of at least one year in the case of a health professional who has acquired professional competence to practice the occupation of general nurse, medical rescue worker, midwife or child nurse pursuant to Section 5a (1) a) or b), if he/she has been admitted to a higher than the first year of education,
d) university studies in study programmes and study subjects of psychology – care of patients, pedagogics – nursing, pedagogics – care of patients, care of patients, or the teaching of professional subjects for secondary medical schools if the first year of the study is started at the latest in the academic year 2003/2004,
e) three-year study in the field of the certified paediatric nurse or the certified nurse in psychiatry at higher paramedical colleges if the first year of the study is started at the latest in the school year 2003/2004,
f) study in the field of nurse at a secondary medical school if the first year of the study is started at the latest in the school year 2003/2004,
g) study in the field of nurse, paediatric nurse, psychiatric nurse, intensive care nurse, gynaecologic nurse or midwife at a secondary medical school if the first year of the study was started at the latest in the school year 1996/1997, or
h) three-year study in the field of certified midwife at higher paramedical colleges if the first year of the study is started at the latest in the school year 2003/2004.
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti