Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Installation, repair, inspection and testing of electrical equipment
Installation, repair, inspection and testing of electrical equipment
Installation, repair, inspection and testing of electrical equipment
typ regulované jednotky
profession and activity
profession and activity
Scope: Mining area; qualified worker with higher qualifications, who is qualified to carry out inspections of electrical equipment
Scope: entrepreneurship; Installation, repair, inspection and testing of electrical equipment designed for technical production, conversion, transmission, distribution and consumption of electrical energy (power stations, transformer stations, substations, overhead power lines, power lines, power devices and switching stations and fixed electric traction equipment ), electrical installation (in particular the implementation, installation supervision and verification tests designed systems, networks, circuits and installations), and equipment designed to protect against the effects of atmospheric or static electricity (conductors and equipment for protection against overvoltage). Maintenance of public lighting.
Scope: general (except for railways, cableways, ski lifts, mining area, entrepreneurship); Qualified person who carries out revisions operated electrical equipment . Validates the technical competence of individual technical equipment, conduct tests or analyzes according to the conditions, standards and safety regulations. Prepares reports on the revision of the relevant technical equipment and exhibits, certified reports and certificates.
směrnice EU
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
Czech Mining Authority
Český báňský úřad
Kozí 4, P.O. Box 140, 110 01 Praha
fax: +420 221 775 363
telefon: +420 221 775 311
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu
Na Františku 32, 110 15 Praha 1 - Staré Město
fax: +420 224 811 089
telefon: +420 224 851 111
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Na Poříčním právu 1, 128 01 Praha 2
telefon: +420 221 921 111
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
Decree No.50/1978 Coll.- Art. 9
Sections 6, 7, 8, 21 and 22 of Act No 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended
Decree No 50/1978 Coll., on professional qualifications in electrical engineering, as amended, Article 9 and Annexes 1, 2
odvolací orgán
Czech Mining Authority - special commission
Minister of Industry and Trade
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs on proposal from special commission set up by him
požadované vzdělání
completed vocational training
yes; Section 21 of Act No 455/1991 Coll.: 1) a document of due completion of secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a relevant field of education, or 2) a document of due completion of secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a relevant field of education, or with vocational training subjects in a relevant field, or 3) a document of due completion of higher vocational education in a relevant field of education, or 4) a document of due completion of higher education in a relevant field of study programmes and study fields, or 5) recognition of professional qualifications issued by the recognition authority in accordance with Section 7 (5) (b), (c), or (e) of Act No 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended, or 6) verification or recognition of full qualifications achieved in a relevant field based on the Act on the Recognition of the Results of Further Education (Act No 179/2006 Coll.), or Section 22 of Act No 455/1991 Coll.: 1) a document of due completion of secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a related field of education, or 2) a document of due completion of secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a related field of education, or 3) a document of due completion of higher vocational education in a related field of education, or 4) a document of due completion of higher education in a relevant related field of study programmes and study fields, or 5) a document of due completion of retraining for relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls
a) working with electrical equipments of machines, instruments and distributors - apprenticeship, technical education, completed technical education, university education; b) working with electrical equipment up to 1000 V including lightning conductors - apprenticeship, technical education, completed technical education, university education; c) working with electrical equipment without limitation of voltage including lightning conductors - apprenticeship, technical education, completed technical education, university education; d) lightning conductors - apprenticeship, technical education, completed technical education, university education;
požadovaná praxe
5 years
yes; Section 22 of Act No 455/1991 Coll.: as to 1) evidence of one year’s experience in the field, as to 2) evidence of one year’s experience in the field, as to 3) and evidence of one year’s experience in the field, as to 5) evidence of one year’s experience in the field, or 6) six years’ experience in the field
a) working with electrical equipment of machines, instruments and distributors - apprenticeship and technical education - at least 4 years, completed technical education - at least 3 years, university education - at least 2 years; b) working with electrical equipment up to 1000 V including lightning conductors - apprenticeship and technical education - at least 7 years, completed technical education - at least 5 years, university education - at least 3 years; c) working with electrical equipment without limitation of voltage including lightning conductors - apprenticeship and technical education - at least 8 years, completed technical education - at least 6 years, university education - at least 4 years; d) lightning conductors - apprenticeship and technical education - at least 3 years, copleted technical education and university education - at least 1 year
yes; Section 6 of Act No 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended
zdravotní způsobilost
Certificate of physical and mental health
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
No (a bankruptcy declaration in itself is not an impediment to the carrying-on of a trade). An impediment to the carrying-on of a trade arises in accordance with Section 8 (1) of Act No 455/1991 Coll., the Trade Licensing Act, as amended, if a bancruptcy of estate of a natural or legal person has been declared, only in the case of sale of the undertaking by means of a single contract in the context of the liquidation of assets in accordance with Act No 182/2006 Coll., on bankruptcy and the methods of handling bankruptcy (the Insolvency Act), as amended; or in the case of termination of the undertaking´s operations by a decision of a court. An impediment to the carrying-on of a trade also arises (for a period of 3 years since a decision enters into force) if an insolvency petition has been dismissed on the grounds that the debtor’s estate is insufficient to defray the costs of insolvency proceedings; or if bankruptcy procedure has been cancelled on the grounds that the debtor’s estate is entirely insufficient to satisfy creditors (Section 8 (2) of Act No 455/1991 Coll.).
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
Partly, it is only examined whether a natural person was pronounced a ban of the activity in the field or in the related field of the trade by administrative or judicial body.
finanční způsobilost
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti
další požadavky
Decree No. 75/2002 Coll., Art. 9
Certificate of professional competency