Regulovaná jednotka - podrobnosti [en]
kód regulované jednotky
název regulované jednotky
Handling with the highly hazardous chemicals related to those which could be abused for breaking of a prohibition of chemical weapons
Laboratory worker / Specialist. Handling of highly dangerous materials exploitable to violate the prohibition of chemical weapons
odpovědný orgán podle § 29 odst. 1 zákona
State Office for Nuclear Safety
Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost
Senovážné náměstí č.9, 110 00 Praha 1
fax: +420 222 220 917
telefon: +420 221 624 759
regulující právní předpis včetně konkrétního §
Articles: 9 to 15 of the Act No. 19/1997 Coll., on some measures related to prohibition of chemical weapons.
odvolací orgán
Chairwoman of the State Office for Nuclear Safety
požadované vzdělání
A Licence shall be issued only to the legal person; for established responsible representative: the university degree education or secondary school graduation in the field of chemistry is required, has reached the age of 21, be competent to perform legal acts.
požadovaná praxe
On-the-job practical experiences are not required.
A responsible representative of the legal person to whom the Licemce is to be issued shall be the person of probity. For issuing the Licence, it is necessary to document his/her probity in an extract from the Crimes Register, not older than 6 month.
zdravotní způsobilost
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
požadavek na to, že na uchazečův majetek nebyl prohlášen konkurz
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
skutečnost, že nebyl správně nebo disciplinárně postižen
finanční způsobilost
The legal person shall submit audited accountancy documents, not older than 6 months, together with the application form.
pojištění odpovědnosti za škodu způsobenou výkonem předmětné činnosti
It is not necessary to document it in an application form.
další požadavky
A Licence: it can be issued only when the total amount of highly hazardous chemicals in the Czech Rep. will not exceed one megagramm; it shall not be issued to applicant to whom it was withdraw during the last 10 years.