for the development, manufacture, repair, modification, disabling and destruction of arms: a) higher education in a study programme and study field focusing on technical science or technology, or b) further vocational education in a field of study focusing on technical sciences or technology, or c) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study with a technical focus, or d) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study for a gunsmith or tool maker, or e) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls; for the purchase, sale, transportation, rental and storage of arms and ammunition: 1) higher education in a study programme and study field focusing on economics, the military, the police, technical sciences or technology, or 2) further vocational education in a field of study focusing on economics, the military, the police, technical sciences or technology, or 3) secondary education with a school-leaving examination in a field of study with a technical, economic, military or police focus, or 4) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study to be a shop assistant specializing in arms and ammunition or in a related field, or 5) secondary education with a certificate of apprenticeship in a field of study to be a gunsmith or tool maker, or 6) a retraining certificate or other evidence of professional qualifications for the relevant work activities, issued by an establishment accredited in accordance with specific legislation, or by an establishment accredited by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, or by a ministry in whose purview the sector in which the trade is operated falls; for the manufacture, repair, modification, disabling and destruction of ammunition: professional competence stipulated for the development, manufacture, repair, modification, disabling and destruction of arms, a pyrotechnic authorization or certificate, and age of at least 21 years; for the development of ammunition: higher education in a study programme and study field focusing on technical sciences or technology, the study field of explosive theory and technology